The Last Week's over! We had an interesting start to the last week of school. Yikes! Bad milk. Nothing better. We all survived.


Mom said...

Funny, funny, funny!!! Who ever knew that milk went bad BEFORE the expiration date??? That's weird. Loved the video!! I think I may need a blog :-) Got any ideas for a name?

Eric said...

How about "mom says"

Kym said...

How about Get A Life...for Mom's blog?!! Anyway, how does milk go bad in a family of 7 people? Let's not forget that it's not called skim milk anymore. Why do we drink animal's milk...I'm just wondering? I've thought about it for too long and now I feel very strange!

Anonymous said...

It's people like you who fill the internet with pointless stuff that you think other people will enjoy, but really it's just dumb. haha.

misfuller said...

Wow! It's nice to see that you still don't make professional videos! :) HA!

Anonymous said...

Gus Rousonelos SAID............
Erick,where did you find that elevator music at on this no.3 video? Its real boring...I wonder where you bought that watered down milk?You probably keep your refrigerator too warm.Quit trying to save money on the temp.The cereal you buy you might of well use whole milk with it.Its all calories.Buy the new syle jug and you well have no problem using it all because you well spill half of it.Its a set up to use more milk

Anonymous said...

your a brat justin