high school

I've got a child in high school now. It doesn't seem possible that he should be old enough for all of this, but here we are. We actually went to a back-to-school night for parents recently. Interesting. I have no idea how he figures out where he's going. I'm happy to say that he's loving it so far. I remember a bit of my first year at Yorkville High School. Loved it. I made great friends and still have some contact 22 years later. My high school years were good. I want my son (and the rest of my kids) to enjoy them too. Beyond working hard, getting good grades and "stuff" like that, I really want him to develop some life skills that he can take anywhere. Here's a few of my hopes for all my kids as they travel through school...

> respect for all people
> trust in authority
> solution-based thinking
> creativity - live life with some imagination
> compassion for the hurting
> generosity - a desire to give things away
> positive attitude

Beyond all of that, I want them to love God. I believe these skills and passions can take them far in life. It will be fun to watch!


Eric Olsen said...


I love the list, but one jumped out strange at me.

"Trust in authority".

Because I think, right now, I would wish the exact opposite for your son.

I'm having a hard time finding the balance between seeing the depravity in all men that Christ teaches, and then placing some of these men as moral authorities and leaders over our own lives (especially in the church).

Would love a fleshed-out post on this idea.

Mom said...

Wow that's quite a post from Eric. I believe it is God's will to trust and submit to those in authority over us because ultimately HE is in charge and He has allowed them to be in authority. Yes, we should trust our authorities until they would give us reason not to, which would mean that they would tell us not to obey God or speak of Him. We are so proud of Cameron and his awesome work in school to this point! Keep up the great work Cameron and keep those wings flying!!!