powerful picture

I prefer to use mostly original photographs or artwork as I blog, but this picture is just amazing, powerful, and reflective. I found it in a place that was making a case for the 30 photos that changed the world. Dorothea Lange took this picture called “Migrant Mother” in 1936. Legend has it that this working mother sold the tires on her car so that she could feed her seven children. This picture came to represent the devastation of the Great Depression. This picture also made me very thankful. I have a good life. It’s so easy to focus on what we don’t have that we lose sight of our own abundance. Be thankful today. Be thankful and then take another step. Be generous.

1 comment:

6HartsforHim said...

I saw this picture along with many more,in a documentary on PBS about national geographic.So true to be thankful for the abundance that God has given us!Thank you for the reminder!:)